Arkansas GOP rep gets brutally roasted after claiming ‘being poor is a choice’ on Twitter (11 Pics)

An Arkansas Republican was brutally roasted after claiming that being poor was “a personal choice” on Twitter.
Arkansas Rep. Stephen Meeks is a firebrand Conservative who earlier this week retaliated against the state’s supreme court by defunding it during a budget battle.
“Being poor in America is a personal choice, unless there are mitigating circumstances,” he tweeted. “A homeless man can go to school, get a job driving a truck making $70k per year and in 20 years become a millionaire. In America you can work hard and change your future – if you chose.”

The responses were brutal, with many suggesting staging a story of Trading Placesexperiment where Meeks demonstrate the validity of his claim by driving a truck until he was a millionaire.

Meeks was a computer technician before taking office. He does have experience in the blue-collar world—he delivers Papa John’s pizzas on weekends.)

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