'Anyone else completely forgotten how to function?' #Backtowork blues as millions of Britons return to their jobs after Christmas break

After all the joys of Christmas and New Year, the return to work for millions of Britons today came as something of a shock.
People took to social media with memes from TV shows such as The Office, Family Guy and The Simpsons to show how they were feeling at being back at their desk.
Lizzie Lowrey, of Sittingbourne, Kent, tweeted: 'Anyone else completely forgotten how to function? What is my job? Where do I park? What do I do? 'backtowork' 
Others faced trouble getting into work by rail in London following delays on the District and Circle lines on the Underground, and Southeastern services in Kent.
Workers off since Saturday, December 22 only needed to take two days of annual leave - Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve - if they were returning to work today.

#Backtowork blues as millions of Britons return to their jobs after Christmas

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