Real Cost of Congress’ Posters Shows Why We’re in Debt up to Our Eyeballs

It’s fair to say that most in Congress have no grasp on the financial reality of the average American.
With salaries in the six figures and a host of benefits subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer, there’s not much incentive to keep a balanced budget and costs low.
Nothing may be a better illustration of this than the infamous congressional posters — also known as floor charts.
We’ve all seen them — they’re used by both parties as a visual aid or to make a point on whatever topic they’re talking about. Sometimes, they’re simply used for apparent nonsense, like Sen. Bernie Sanders enlarging a Donald Trump tweet.
bernie is on the senate floor right now opening up debate on the republicans’ budget proposal. it’s worth your time: 
earlier today, sen. ted cruz chuckled when i walked past him carrying this poster.
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Although posterboards can be found for less than $5 online and can be illustrated with a marker that is just as cheap, this is nowhere near the inflated price that those in Congress pay.
The average cost of one of these floor charts is $100, William Gray told Full Measure. The floor charts seldom get reused after they are first presented to make a point or score a political hit against a rival party.
Gray, a floor chart expert, revealed that the charts are a favorite of Congress. Their popularity is surging in the age of social media. “We’re at tens of thousands,” said Gray.
The prices vary depending on the content, size, material, and amount of color used. An official government office is available to lawmakers for graphic design and printing of the charts.
According to Gray, the 115th Congress used over 1,000 charts. At an average cost of $100, that puts the total cost near the six-figure range — for posters that could show something as complicated as financial numbers, or as simple as a meme.
Although these posters aren’t directly responsible for our nation’s $22 trillion debt, they’re indicative of Congress’ uncaring attitude about financials.
Why expend the effort of creating or printing your own poster if the U.S. taxpayer can be forced to foot the bill for you? What’s another $100 on top of $22,000,000,000,000?
Examples of this horrendous fiscal responsibility can be seen in any number of government programs.
One program wasted $28 million outfitting the Afghan Army with camouflage to blend in with lush, green surroundings. The uniforms were ultimately considered unwearable, thanks to the fact that 98% of Afghanistan is dead and dry desert.
There’s no single program or expenditure that will tank the United States economy. If we’re ever faced with financial ruin, it will be a death from a thousand cuts.

Perhaps a floor chart will be the final straw that breaks the giant’s back.
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