Man In MAGA Hat Sprays Anti-Trump Protesters With Bear Repellent Sending Them Running

A man purported to be a supporter of President Donald Trump decided to attempt to end an anti-President Trump rally in Southern California.
But the way he went about attempting to end it was illegal and he found himself getting arrested for his effort.
The unidentified man circled around a crowd of the protesters and then began to spray them with what police said was bear repellent.

Bear repellent has been used in the past by Antifa protesters and is a form of pepper spray similar to what police use, The Los Angeles Time reported.
“The substance, which Hicks said was bear repellent, sent the crowd scattering and people can be heard screaming on the video,” it said.
“As other Trump supporters held a protester on the ground, the man rushed back into the fracas and doused the protester at close range, the video shows.
“Police received 911 calls from the pier and the video shows officers responding soon after the man sprayed the crowd, The Time said.
“Several people pointed out the man, who remained nearby, and police took him into custody, according to the video.
“Hicks said he was not authorized to release the man’s name, but described him as a 33-year-old from the area with a ‘fairly extensive’ criminal record.
“The man remained in custody Sunday on suspicion of violating the terms of his parole from a previous weapons violation, Hicks said.
“After viewing video of the incident, police realized a second, older Trump supporter may also have sprayed the crowd. Police are still working to identify that man, Hicks said,” The Times said.
The man is obviously a criminal who has engaged in criminal activity before but it will not be long before every supporter of President Trump is painted with the same brush.
In 2020, a battle for America's soul, honor, and integrity will be waged.

DO NOT count on impeachment.
It WILL NOT save us.

We're fighting against a massive, concerted disinformation campaign waged by trump, Russia, and 3rd party candidates.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Supporter In MAGA Hat Carries Out Vicious Pepper Spray Attack During Peaceful Liberal Protest On Santa Monica Pier (WATCH NOW) 

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