Greg Gutfeld On Impeachment: ‘Hearsay Based On Hearsay, A Bloated Spectacle’ (VIDEO)

Did you watch any of the first day of impeachment proceedings?
If not, you missed out on an embarrassing spectacle. Luckily, Greg Gutfeld of The Five watched, and he has some great commentary on the subject which you can watch below.
Here’s a partial transcript via FOX News:
Gutfeld on the impeachment circus
Prepare to get your minds blown with eye-popping testimony!
Congratulations, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., you found something that made the Mueller hearing look sexy.
A witness who witnesses nothing. Hearsay based on hearsay. A bloated spectacle designed to turn a phone call into a crime.
If only we could see this coming.
I guess they all got the same email from CNN President Jeff Zucker.
So the guilty verdict comes first, which brings us to this lame show trial. It’s aimed at ginning up public fears about the next “worst thing ever” that never happens, because this is never about what Trump has done. It’s about what he “could” do.
This whole thing is a crappy horror movie scripted by Democrats for the media, with Schiff and his bunch playing the bug-eyed zombies.
But for a horror movie to be good, we have to believe it’s at least possible. And not already know how it’s going to end.
Actually, this is worse than a horror film. It’s porn for Democrats. Remember their safe words?
Watch the video below:
Gutfeld has been very open about his feelings on Twitter:
Be sure to check out Gutfeld on The Five each weekday and on his own show on Saturday nights. 
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