It’s On!… Donald Trump Jr. Challenges Hunter Biden to Debate: “Let’s See Who Really Profited From their Father’s Public Office” (VIDEO)

Donald Trump Jr. was interviewed by Jim VandeHei at Axios on HBO recently. A clip was posted online over the weekend.
During the conversation Don Jr. was asked how much of an issue Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden will be for his father Joe in the upcoming election.
Donald Trump Jr. replied, “I think it ought to be a big part. I was an international business person before my father got into politics. That’s what we did. I’m not going to say I haven’t benefited from my father’s last name just like Hunter Biden did. I’d be foolish to say that. But I haven’t benefited from my father’s taxpayer funded office. Hunter Biden, his father becomes a VP, all of the sudden he goes over the the Ukraine and he’s making $83 grand a month. So, the media likes to do this false equivalence, ‘You’re doing this, or doing that!’ We stopped doing any new international business deals when my father won the presidency. So, you know what would be great? I’ll let you host it. You moderate a debate between Hunter Biden and myself. C’mon, let’s do it.
Vander Hei is an obvious partisan.
Don Jr. may want to think of a better moderator. 
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