Thursday, May 21, 2020

Demon Pelosi Defends Calling President Trump “Morbidly Obese” – Insists She was Being “Sympathetic” (VIDEO)

On Monday evening Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a dirty swipe at President Trump after he admitted to taking hydroxychloroquine because of his age (73) and weight.
Pelosi fat-shamed the president calling him “morbidly obese.”
As usual Democrats get away statements that the liberal media would never allow from a Republican.
On Tuesday President Trump responded to Speaker Pelosi’s latest attacks. Trump told reporters, “Pelosi is a sick woman. She’s got a lot of problems a lot of mental problems.”
Earlier today Speaker Pelosi hit back at President Trump and defended her sick attacks.
Pelosi told reporters: “Factual in a very sympathetic way. I said he’s our president. We don’t want our president taking something that could be dangerous as the scientists have said it could be. If he takes offense at that well I could take offense at a lot of things but they don’r really mean that much to me.”
What a witch.