Tuesday, May 19, 2020

There Is An Island That Nobody Can Enter And It Didn’t Exist Until 1963 (11 Pics)

Surtsey is a piece of land that formed in 1963, after a huge volcanic eruption that has lasted for 3 years. Now, the land is used for scientific research and observations. The focus of the work is to better understand how an ecosystem forms from scratch, without any human impact. There are only a couple of scientists that are allowed on the island’s premises, making it one of a few forbidden places on earth.
One of the main stories that surround this island revolves around a tomato. Yes, you heard right, a tomato. Since the territory is carefully surveilled, only a small house that fits a couple of scientists is allowed on the island premises. Before entering the island every person needs to be searched thoroughly because one of the main rules is not to bring any seeds with you. Well, someone did not pay close enough attention to this rule and pooped on some lava. After that, a tomato plant sprouted up on the island leaving the scientists truly mystified. After they realized the origin of the plant it was immediately destroyed, as it would disturb their scientific research.

Surtsey is a truly unique piece of land in Iceland that was formed in 1963

Image credits: Ron Cogswell

It emerged after a huge volcanic eruption that has lasted for 3 years

What makes this island so intriguing is not only its formation but the fact that nobody is permitted to enter

The main purpose of Surtsey is to better understand how an ecosystem forms itself from scratch, without any human impact

There are only a couple of scientists that are allowed on the island’s premises, making it one of a few forbidden places on earth

Before entering this island, every scientist is carefully checked so they won’t carry any foreign seeds in on themselves

One story that received a lot of attention was when a tomato starting growing on the island’s premises, leaving scientists stumped

Turns out somebody disobeyed the island’s laws and pooped on some lava

The tomato had to be immediately removed so it wouldn’t disturb the scientific research

One of the first native plants to grow  on the island without outside interference was moss

Fulmar and guillemot were the first species to inhabit the island