‘You work for Ilhan’! Ilhan Omar’s comms guy thinks he’s totes got this anti-Semitism thing figured out

Rep. Ilhan Omar dedicated a hefty chunk of her Twitter feed to obsessing about AIPAC and Israel’s obsession with her. She managed to squeeze plenty of lies in there as well. Along with these words of wisdom:
To confront hate and bigotry in all its forms, we must understand that they are all related. We cannot call out one form of hate while turning a blind eye to another.

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And Omar’s comms and strategy guy Jeremy Slevin — who boasts in his Twitter bio that he used to work for Keith Ellison — would just like to add something:
Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-wing force Anti-semitism is a right-win

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OK, buddy.
But let’s hear him out:

I am Jewish and my family also fled Russia. I am well aware of Soviet persecution.

My tweet was referring to the United States (which I should have made clear). I also don’t view the Soviet Union as progressive in any meaningful way.
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That’s nice, Jeremy, but “The Right” is just calling you out for defending a well known anti-Semite by trying to pin anti-Semitism on the right wing.
Well, with Slevin in charge of strategy, it’s really no wonder Ilhan Omar keeps sticking her anti-Semitic foot in her mouth.
Yes, we know you and your boss like to pretend antisemitism from the left doesn’t count or matter.
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Way to openly prove that you only care about bigotry when it comes from your political opponents. Explains a lot.
See Corie Whalen's other Tweets
It really does.
How about “anti-Semitism is always wrong”? Would that have been so difficult to say? That’s a rhetorical question, of course. When you work for Ilhan Omar, you can’t sincerely condemn anti-Semitism.
You could’ve just stopped at “I’m ignorant.”
The truth about anti-Semitism, as @Yair_Rosenberg and others have already pointed out this morning, is that it is neither a left- OR a right-wing force. It's a *human* stain. It merely recreates itself in different images over time and circumstance.
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Well said. Unfortunately, tools like Slevin and bigots like Ilhan Omar are only making that stain worse.

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