PETA's Getting Desperate, Claims Turkeys Are Victims of Sexual Assault

In PETA’s newest desperate attack on the traditional Thanksgiving meal, the extremist animal advocacy group wants diners to consider the history of the bird on their table.
Specifically, whether the turkey was “sexually assaulted” before being cooked and carved.
The grotesque article from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals uses anonymous sources and selectively edited footage, allegedly taken inside a commercial turkey factory farm in Arkansas.
PETA accuses farmworkers of violating turkeys, killing them indiscriminately for fun, and even “pretending to rape” the birds.
According to the animal activist group, this problem isn’t contained to a single turkey farm in Arkansas but is a widespread culture that affects dairy farms and swineherds as well.
To make matters worse, PETA has the audacity to compare the alleged mistreatment of these birds and beasts to the historic plight of women.
“Farms don’t see animals as individuals. They view them as objects to be used for their own ends,” PETA asserts. “Sound familiar?”
“Women have been fighting that same battle for centuries and are still fighting it today. And if you’re saying, ‘But they’re just animals,’ remember that up until very recently, we were ‘just women.'”
In lieu of a meat-based Thanksgiving, PETA advocates for vegan holiday feasts.
Unfortunately for vegans feasting on grains and vegetables to spare the innocent animals, the machines that harvest those products end up killing more than the one animal it would have taken to stock the table.
One study found that after combines harvest a field, it’s a virtual slaughter for the mice that previously made it their home.
The study found that one species of mouse had its numbers reduced by a whopping 80 percent from habitat destruction, predation and death from machinery.
And it’s not just the tiny animals that meet their fate because of vegans‘ insatiable need for harvested vegetation. 
Any animal that can’t get out of the way of a combine in time, including deer, is at risk of being killed by the operators of the machinery. As long as crops are taken with these large harvesters, animal deaths are inevitable.
A ribeye from a grass-fed steer, on the other hand, requires only the death of one animal for hundreds of pounds of succulent meat.
When it comes to a Thanksgiving meal, the more ethical option looks like a juicy, roasted turkey surrounded by bacon-wrapped green bean bundles and a nice spiral-cut ham.
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