40 Times Feminists Shut Down Sexists With Their Clever Comments

 Misogyny, the term used to describe societal inequity, is evidenced by many everyday things, like the gendered wage gap, pink tax, lack of women in positions of power, and the unmistakable influence of patriarchy penetrating every level of our lives, from households to politics. Whether you’re being mansplained to or fall victim to the career-destroying prerogatives of men, it means that sadly, you’re no stranger to the ways misogynistic society operates.

But luckily there are many bright women and men out there who are not willing to put up with the sexist BS they witness or experience firsthand day to day. And out of the frustration, hilarious, spot-on, merciless, and witty comebacks are born to target any misogynistic remark.

Scroll down to read through the most entertaining comebacks below that will remind us we don’t have to stay silent when someone is being a jerk.

This Is Allyship


Perfect Response

Perfect Response




Misogyny functions as an ideology or belief system that has accompanied patriarchal or male-dominated societies and continues to place women in subordinate positions with limited access to power and decision making. But thankfully, in present times, it’s not being taken lightly anymore as more and more women and men are willing to step up and challenge this ancient and inherently harmful belief.


Some Words From Maisie Williams

Some Words From Maisie Williams


She's Not Wrong

She's Not Wrong


Personally... Marriage Means Nothing To Me

Personally... Marriage Means Nothing To Me

But although the term has been all over the media in the past 5 years, its real meaning is still widely confused. Kate Manne, a Cornell philosophy professor and the author of “Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny” argues that misogyny is really not about male hostility or hatred towards women, as it’s commonly assumed. Instead, it’s about controlling and punishing women who challenge male dominance.




Physical Respect Is A Right

Physical Respect Is A Right


It's Called Consent

It's Called Consent

In an interview with Vox, Kate explained: “There’s a tendency to define misogyny as this deep hatred in the heart, harbored by men toward girls and women. I define misogyny as social systems or environments where women face hostility and hatred because they’re women in a man's world—a historical patriarchy.”

And what’s really alarming about misogyny is that it is something we practice almost unconsciously. The hostility towards women is something that’s a priori embedded in our culture where people internalize it through social norms and customs. In reality, it’s a trap for anyone born in an already misogyny-fueled society.


I’ve Never Heard This Explained So Succinctly

I’ve Never Heard This Explained So Succinctly


Your Unsolicited Advice Doesn't Matter To Anyone, My Dude

Your Unsolicited Advice Doesn't Matter To Anyone, My Dude


When Autocorrect Only Recognizes Male Achievements

When Autocorrect Only Recognizes Male Achievements

According to Kate, such hostile behavior comes from the fact that many people feel attached to the positions they believe are their birthright. “When men think women are taking opportunities and privileges away from them, when they think women are challenging male dominance, you get backlash,” she explained.


Happy 87th Birthday To The Legendary Rbg

Happy 87th Birthday To The Legendary Rbg


They Are Probably Not Funny, Just A Terrible Person

They Are Probably Not Funny, Just A Terrible Person


Marriage And Feminism

Marriage And Feminism

As a way of dealing with misogyny in society, Kate believes it all comes down to men in positions of power accepting that women can surpass them without having wronged them. At this point, we are still far from this point, but externalizing our discontent is crucial in making things better, hence every debate, whether IRL or online, is a small step towards an equal, respectful society.

A Common Denominator

A Common Denominator





Boys Will Be Held Accountable For Their Actions

Boys Will Be Held Accountable For Their Actions


One Woman Lying...

One Woman Lying...


Some Actions Do Have Dire Consequences

Some Actions Do Have Dire Consequences


When Men Think Everything Women Do Is For Them

When Men Think Everything Women Do Is For Them





Accusations Ruin A Man's Life

Accusations Ruin A Man's Life


A Woman's Place Is One Of Servitude

A Woman's Place Is One Of Servitude

Bennyboy Gets Rekt With Facts And Logic

Bennyboy Gets Rekt With Facts And Logic


This Belongs Here

This Belongs Here





The Link Between Guns, Police And Violence Against Women In America

The Link Between Guns, Police And Violence Against Women In America




Had To Be Said!

Had To Be Said!

Equity > Equality

Equity > Equality

Turn That Mansplaining Into A Joke

Turn That Mansplaining Into A Joke

When Random Online Males Suffer From Correctile Dysfunction

When Random Online Males Suffer From Correctile Dysfunction

Patriarchy Will Always Find A Way To Blame Women

Patriarchy Will Always Find A Way To Blame Women

When Decent Behavior Doesn't Come Easy

When Decent Behavior Doesn't Come Easy








So Unfair

So Unfair


Lets Treat Women The Same Way

Lets Treat Women The Same Way

"Give Me A Smile"

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