Dan Crenshaw roasts Kamala Harris for flip-flopping on open borders in under a minute

Democrats running for their party’s 2020 nomination who support decriminalizing border crossings while trying to explain that they don’t support “open borders” have reached the next level of ridiculousness, and Dan Crenshaw noticed yet another example during Kamala Harris’ appearance on “The View”:

Kamala Harris has no idea what she really stands for. This primary election will continue to be about opportunism, pandering, and blatant attempts to buy off voters with false promises.

In just this clip she started with not favoring decriminalizing and then flip flopped. https://twitter.com/lizrnc/status/1154797777840476160 

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Harris really didn’t want to fully commit to any position here, did she? But we think we know what she was trying to say:
On Open Borders:

"I am not in favor of decriminalizing, um, or, or, not having, um, consequence for--we have to keep--let me just be very clear"
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“Let me just be very clear.” Now that’s hilarious.

But she’s great at flip-flopping.
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